Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Coconut Fall plan

1. You will produce a plan for a 2 level game. You will do this using a range of tools (eg sketches of the levels, a flowchart to explain how the the program works.)
  • you will need to use Gliffy and your blog to write this up
  • if you are creating hand sketches, then you will need to scan these into your blog somehow (eg photographs)
Above is task one of the criteria:
Here is my plan for coconut fall:

and here is a final one that I scan just in case you can't see that well in the pictures that I took:

Monday, June 10, 2013


Sorry for the late reply. Had some trouble in managing my time and in making the game that was assigned.
But here it is the beginning is just how I made it and the step of what would happen scroll right down to play the real version

 The computer start with saying:

Then the player have to insert number between 1-20

Then there is a answer slot where player type in number
if the number is right then the screen will show:

But if the number is smaller than the computer will show:

 however if the number is bigger than the number that has to be guess than the computer will show:

Each time plater start the plater will have 30 points however each wrong answer they guess they loose 10 points and when there are no more points the screen will show:

 here is my finish game: